Rise your inner peace and your energy. Be prepared for what's coming! Open your heart and believe in a better future, peace and love. Watch video by David Childerley and learn the EMT - Emotional Freedom Technique to open your heart and to spread the love!
poniedziałek, 13 października 2008
Oct 14th Video: Open Your Heart To The Truth With EFT
czwartek, 9 października 2008
Federation of Light - Cloaked UFO Cloud Ships - October 14 First Contact
Are the ships starting to show up already? Slowly ... slowly ... the October 14 th is coming!
poniedziałek, 6 października 2008
9D Perspective on the October 14, 2008 First Contact
By Jelaila Starr
Written September 18, 2008
The last few weeks have seen the Internet buzzing with the news of a first contact by our space brothers on October 14th. I’ve been inundated with requests to confirm the validity of this auspicious occasion. Honestly, I chose to leave the majority of the requests unanswered until today when I received a request from the 9D Nibiruans to respond. This message is both their answer and my personal response.
If you have read any of the messages from the 9D Nibiruans regarding Earthly events, you will know that they prefer not to say yea or nay, but to give us guidelines so that we can find the answer for ourselves. Sometimes, as in the case of 9/11, they point us in the right direction. When it comes to ET contact with Earth and her people, there are strict protocols to be followed. Once you know these protocols, you will be able to determine how best to respond to the October 14th contact should it occur.
Galactic Federation Protocols for Planetary Engagement
Below are three of the Galactic Federation Worlds (GF) protocols regarding contact with Earth and her people.
1. Contact must be initiated at a time when humanity has achieved a level of spiritual growth sufficient to maintain a state of peace.
2. Contact must be initiated in a location in which the locals are most open to the experience.
3. Contact must be for the purpose of establishing intergalactic relations only. It must not be initiated in order to intercede in humanity’s social, political, religious or environmental affairs.
Now, let’s take a look at each of the protocols.
Protocol 1.
This protocol means just what it says. Contact will occur when humanity is in a state of peace. Are we in a state of peace now, especially here in the US as this is the country where the contact is supposed to occur? We would be hard pressed to say anything but no. WE only have to see the news to know that that U.S. economy is in the worst shape it has been in since the Great Depression. Quoting from an article on Mike Adam’s website, NaturalNews.com he says, “Less than 40 days ago the second largest bank failure in U.S. history became public as federal regulators seized IndyMac Bancorp Inc. following a run by depositors. Meanwhile, astonished investors looked on while Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac cratered into financial insolvency and were taken over by the US government, instantly doubling the U.S. Nation Debt and absolutely guaranteeing the eventual financial burn out of the U.S. government. This happened barely two weeks after the bailout of Bear Stearns Co. by the Federal Reserve.
AIG insurance company is collapsing as we speak. Merrill Lynch just plummeted into financial disaster and was rescued by Bank of America. Washington Mutual bank is plummeting rapidly and may crater by the end of the week.”
If you want to know just how little faith people have in the US economy, watch the price of gold. Just yesterday the price of gold jumped $70 in one day. That is the largest daily increase in world history! The United States is now the largest debtor nation in the world, and financially bankrupt.
The U.S. is not the only country with problems, but I won’t go into that. The question is, have we attained the conditions stated in Protocol 1? If not, then any ET group making contact is in direct violation of this protocol, which begs the question; why now? The world is in a state of crisis. Any group making contact now is sure to be looked upon as saviors. Keep in mind that the one who saves has all the power.
Going further, there is another aspect we must look at and that is whether this ET group is really from the GF or a group masquerading as such? There is much evidence of ET groups working with the U.S. Military and a plan in place for a fake First Contact scenario involving these ETs. Just think for a moment; President Bush has been trying for some time to declare Marshall Law. All he needs is an event that creates major public unrest do it. A couple of ET ships showing up in the skies over the Bible Belt would certainly do that. And even if the ETs emit some sort of energy to reduce the fear generated by their presence, what happens when they leave? I don’t believe the population will take the news of ET presence sitting down. The stir their presence would have caused will spread like wildfire through the population, creating all sorts of havoc. Just think, once that occurs, the banks close and you loose all your money. Is that what we really want? Is that what you want?
Protocol 2.
As I understand it this contact is to be in the Southern part of the U.S. in the state of Georgia. Having been raised in the South, I am fully aware that it is possibly the worst place for a first contact. The South is known as the Bible Belt for good reason. It is a stronghold of Christianity. The Christian faith (I was raised Christian) does not support the idea of ETs so why make contact in the South where the possibility of a negative reception is so great? I ask you, does this satisfy the requirements of Protocol 2?
Protocol 3.
There are a number of channelers and messages which state the agenda of the ET group intent upon making this contact. I have not read them all so I will not say what the actual intent is. Nevertheless, the timing could be better. If this group wishes to support humanity in keeping with the GF’s High Council post 9/11 decree to have faith in humanity and allow us to save ourselves, they will wait until we have done so before making contact. That way they will avoid being seen as saviors and be welcomed instead as friends.
In closing, we are now just a few short years away from 2012. We have been told that we will be called on to use our discernment to ensure that we don’t fall into the hands of any group that would hinder our evolution or our success in this Grand Experiment of Polarity Integration. I’m fine-tuning my bullsh-t detector. How about you?
In service,
Jelaila Starr
The Nibiruan Council
Supporting Articles:
9D Council Perspective on the U.S. World Trade Center and Pentagon Attacks
The Polarity Integration Game
Benjamin Fulford’s September 6, 2008 Interview on Project Camelot
David Wilcock’s September 9, 2008 Interview on Project Camelot
About the Author:
Jelaila Starr is a gifted channel, speaker, counselor, and teacher. She is the author of We are the Nibiruans, Books One, The Mission Remembered, Book Two, and Bridge of Reunion. Jelaila’s mission is to provide spiritually inspired, higher dimensional tools that will enable us to reawaken and return to our natural state as multidimensional beings. Jelaila’s counseling workshops and sessions are available by phone or in person.
Email: Jelaila@nibiruancouncil.com - Website: www.NibiruanCouncil.com
piątek, 3 października 2008
Nice UFO footage and message from Blossom Goodchild - 14 October 08 is coming
Are you prepared for 10-14-08 and the ufo coming to Earth? Watch this youtube video to see some nice UFO footage. Imagine how it will be in 11 days to see something on our skies so big so clear and for so long. Prepare your heart and mind. It will blow your mind. Just 11 days.
Mike Quinsey about 10-14-2008 UFO
We have an army of people who are working hard to bring the dark forces into the Halls of Justice, and it will be the last time they shall stand in the limelight. The dark deeds that they have perpetrated upon you will be revealed, and they are far more extensive than you can possibly imagine. People will find it hard to believe that they have been duped and misled for so many years, and that their future has not been in their own hands. You have been held back from what should have been a natural advancement out of the Dark Ages into the Light. They have orchestrated the continual ups and downs of life, and they have cared little about leaving you impoverished and in desperation. Now a different scenario is presenting itself, and many see that we of the Galactic Federation are the answer to your problems. We have contacted you with a view to helping you forward to a peaceful co-existence, and whilst your leaders have refused our help, you have responded positively. That has allowed us into your lives and we represent your best opportunity to change things on Earth. As your consciousness grows and the desire for our intervention becomes stronger, so we can respond and work with you to bring those changes about. We are the balancing force that offers you peace and happiness, whereas the E.T’s invited to Earth by your government were used to strengthen the hand of the dark forces. Technological advancements have been used to empower your military forces and not for the general good of Mankind. Now we take up the role of bringing into being far ranging world changes, that shall bring you all that has previously been denied you. The waste and misuse of your money and resources has taken place on a massive scale, when it could have been used for the general good of all people. The ever present problems of starvation and need for just the basic tools for survival could have easily been overcome, and these are all areas that we shall address very quickly. However, that cannot commence until we can openly meet with those who are to be appointed to carry you into the New Age. One most important factor will be the need to keep you informed of what is happening, and we are well equipped to do it. You can then participate with us, and in this way we shall soon gain your full approval and confidence. Michael has been wondering whether we will endorse the prediction of a special sighting that is intended for the 14th October, and we are more than happy to do so. However, always allow for changes where anything of this nature is concerned. Because it has been given to you some weeks in advance, it allows for a careful assessment of your reaction to the news. It also means that we can judge the impact upon your dark forces, and how they intend to respond. We cannot jeopardise the good work that has been done up to now, so we ask you all to accept at this stage the intent to bring our presence into the open. It will open people’s eyes and minds to our mission, and they shall see that we intend no harm to you. It will result in a call for your governments to interact with us, but of course that is not what they wish to do. They would rather ignore us and prevent any discourse with us that would take away their power over you. The UFO cover-up has gone on for so long, but now fools very few people. The disclosure of mountains of evidence is essential to the acceptance and safety of our craft and personnel, and it needs to be seen that we have interacted with you in a peaceful and non-interfering manner. We would like that to go further, and reveal the many occasions that we have contacted your officials on peaceful missions. There is still a mixed feeling about our intentions, but generally speaking we are accepted as being of no threat to you. The nearer we get to First Contact there will be fear mongering but we visualise that by then we shall have achieved our goal of being accepted. The messages we bring are going to call for a new look at your history, and many false concepts and beliefs will have to be released. We come to prepare you for Ascension, and come what may we shall ensure that we are successful in carrying out our divine orders. When the might and power of Heaven is placed behind us, you can be sure that there is only one outcome. Our mission is one of love and dedication to you, and we see you as equals and in no way different to us. We may be further down the path of evolution, but soon you will have the opportunity to join us. It is our responsibility to raise your consciousness to much higher levels, and bring the truth to you of your immortality and everlasting immutable link to God. Life is infinite and you are eventually destined to take your place in the Cosmos as time travellers. You will carry the message of God, and Love and Light just as we are now for you. I am Diane from Sirius, and carry the feminine energy that is now predominant upon Earth, and will bring balance to you as the masculine energy has controlled your past often to your detriment. Great times together are coming closer, and we have so much to do that we will be so pleased when the formalities of getting together have taken place. We have studied Mankind for eons of time, and it is your emotional reactions that are so unpredictable. We do however believe that our approach over many years now, has paved the way for a peaceful and happy re-union. Indeed, it will be an occasion when you can interact with us, and you will know beyond doubt our intentions are honourable. The coming of the Masters to Earth will dispel much doubt regarding your religious beliefs, and the last barriers between people will be removed. You have lived with many drawbacks that have created separate societies, because you have not found a common purpose in your lives that has enabled you to come together. Dear Ones, everything is about to permanently change for the better, and the basis for it all has gradually been put into place over many years. Our presence has stimulated your minds, and you have understood the potential that was being placed before you. You correctly see yourselves in us, and we are linked from ages past when we were able to come to you in a more openly manner. Your true history will show that we have always travelled with you, and have influenced your progress in ways that have speeded up your evolution. It is no different now and we are ready to enable you to take the greatest step of all onto the path of Ascension. We accompany you with our love and caring to bring you happiness, and release from the thraldom of centuries of darkness and oppression. We love you all with heart felt joy at being with you at such an important time. Thank you Diane. Mike Quinsey. Mike Quinsey has released his most recent channelling with "Sirian" being called Diana . Whole channelling is absolutely worth reading, and the part regarding 14 October 2008 is bold font.
Diane 29-August-2008
You are on your way, as you might say to the Promised Land and it will far exceed your expectations. After all of the turmoil you have experienced with the prospect of Mankind entering a period of collapse, it will be so uplifting to be able to put the past behind you. You have moods of consciousness, and presently there is much despondency at the direction the world is heading. Yet within all of it a bright new dawn is emerging, that speaks of unity and a great coming together of all people. Changes are occurring all of the time, but hope is there that they will lead to new pathway that will put the past behind you.
More people than ever are detaching themselves from the constant bombardment of negative news, and look to the emergence of new directions that will lead to emancipation. They desire a coming together with a common purpose, and in the U.S. the election of a new President is seen as a step in the right direction, but the old influences and control still remain. However, all is in a state of flux, and so many things are happening at the same time it is difficult for you to see the outcome. We know the direction it is heading into, and this is why we repeatedly tell you of your success. How often we have said that victory is yours, and this is why you should detach yourselves from the intentional fear laden messages of your current leaders.
Another source confirming 14 October 2008
There's another confirmation of event going to take place on 14 October 08. The author of blog 10-14-08 on blogspot.com got this message directly from MagentaPixie2012 whose channelled messages come from a collective energy that represent 9 white-winged beings
Hi Brad,
Many have asked me this already and the Nine have commented on this.
I would just point out that 2 of my psychic subscribers have dreamt of a UFO showing itself on October 14th and as far as I know this information has come through 2 or 3 other channels so take that on board.
Here is what the Nine say;
The Nine can confirm that the lightships are indeed here and have been for some time, they are connected to our thoughts & consciousness, we are indeed a part of them.
The Nine did not bring forward the information to me of the 14th October specifically as being first contact but each channel picks up different aspects of the same energy. Also there is always a certain amount of distortion with any channeling and it is up to the individual to see what resonates within them as truth, for the true fabric of the cosmos is so vast, there are infinite possibilities even within our timeline.
The Nine tell me;
The lightships are in our skies
Connected to the thoughts and wishes and hopes of humanity
They are indeed higher self consciousness aspects of humanity
Or could be referred to as "us in the future"
First contact individually has already occured
It is First contact globally that has not occured yet
This First contact shall be in response to the consciousness level of humanity
It is very likely this shall be this year in 2008
Discernment must be used as darkworkers try to counteract everything that the Light brings in (yet they are failing)
The "channel" who bought the information through about 14th October is genuinely channeling
There is a timeline where First Contact shall occur this year in 2008 and it could be as soon as October, it is dependent on humanity's consciousness if this timeline is manifested
The future is not set in stone therefore any "vision" or "message" regarding future events is just one possible future and may or may not manifest
However the channel & message are GENUINE and the message is REAL when viewed from one perspective, this does not mean this will manifest in actuality.
My source feels that First Contact is more likely to occur later than October but this is currently variable as timelines switch in & out of our "nearest future point" all the time when they are close.
I am being shown 2008 but I don't get a definite date all I am told very strongly on this is "variable"
Once the date "14th October" is put out then it is possible this can manifest as it is up to us and our consciousness to help create this to happen. Currently the Nine do not feel there is enough collective consciousness working together, focusing on this date. However "First Contact" is being focused on by enough people to create that consciousness into reality, therefore it will happen.....but the Nine feel 14th October is probably too early for this event.
Pixie xxx
wtorek, 30 września 2008
"Adamu" through Zingdad:planetary first contact
Are you excited about the 10-14-08 coming? Watch what to expect and how to prepare yourself to be really ready for the Big Day coming. "Adamu" continues to speak, through the channel, Zingdad about planetary first contact and the timeline in Earth's future where a large and beautiful lightship shall be visible in our skies this year, 2008, potentially in mid-october.
10-14-08 - Galactic Federation Predicts Fall of Illuminati
The Galactic Federation of Light predicts fall of Illuminati! Must watch!
Blossom Goodchild clarifies October 14th
Watch Blossom Goodchild clarifying October 14th 2008.
Blossom Goodchild's Latest Channeling to the Federation of Light
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Blossom Goodchild's Latest Channeling to the Federation of Light
From the Federation of Light to Blossom
Everything is so different for me now. I feel like someone shoved me
in a washing machine, shoved in the powder, turned it on … and put it
on permanent cycle!!
What could we say to you that would comfort your soul?
You don’t need to say anything … just turn up on the 14th!
Blossom do not think that we are unaware of what is taking place for
you at this time. We are aware of many many things that you are not and we are asking that you continue to be just the same as you always have been. Full of Laughter and Light. Do not allow darker senses to drag you down. They above all, need the Light that you and others are prepared to shine. It is of much importance in these days that one remains in their TRUTRH. You may feel we are repeating ourselves. We
are only contemplating the possibilities of what could happen if one allows the untruths of those who have ill intent to penetrate into the energy fields of those who wish us well.
It is for your souls to remember who you are and why you have come. So many of you are listening to your soul’s quest and urging the TRUTH
within to reveal itself. “FEEL” the TRUTH. As we have said, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that can take YOUR TRUTH away from you. DO NOT BE CONVINCED OTHERWISE. Send much LOVE to those who are lost and in the dark.
Circumstances prevented me from continuing yesterday. It would be great to have a good session with you today. I feel in need of it. Just you and me!!!! Yeah right! There are SO many channels saying SO many things … I am not knocking them I just trying to remember how this all began and indeed where I last left my potty!!!Oh how joyous to make a joke. Let’s BRING on that LAUGHTER. It Lightens the load!
We are indeed present with you at this moment and many others that you are perhaps not aware of. We are of the understanding that you feel a little overloaded.
With all that is taking place. You have done exactly what we asked of you to do. You have gone far beyond that which was requested of you and we are in joy of how you are remaining in YOUR TRUTH. It is sad for the soul is it not dearest one, when those who feel they know of ‘GOD’ are far from knowing. They live in fear and doubt of their God
and indeed themselves. We wish to ‘debunk’ (?) these notions for humanity. We desire to bring to your kind a new way of thinking. Only the soul self can allow the TRUTH to unfold. It is by giving THE SELF permission, that keys to many doors are presented. We can not open these doors for an individual. We can only encourage and support. For
as you know dear Blossom the journey of the soul … its awakening … cannot be tampered with by another. That is why you are learning at a rapid pace, more so than ever before, to stand in the strength of what YOU TRUST as YOUR INNER KNOWING. That is what we ask each one of you to do. That is the wisest information we are able to offer you. In these forthcoming days much untruth will be selected and inforced.
If it feels right … go with it. If you feel ill at ease … then send it away with LOVE. All things that are not currently agreeable to your system … send away with LOVE. Do not judge it. Do not question yourself. FEEL YOUR TRUTH. We are aware that we continue on in the same vein. This is because it is of much importance. Many other channels are giving out information regarding numbers of ships etc. You note we do not. We … The Federation ... who have chosen you
Blossom to get the message out in this way remain steadfast in what we have announced. We ask you to do the same.
I am trying, Truly I am . But one can get swept away with all that is being said about the event. The biggest concern for me being that
other channels are saying it may not be possible on the 14th , but it will be happening soon/now/ up until feb09/ by the end of Oct? Etc, etc. At the end of the day it will be what it will be and nothing and no-one can change that. I get that. But would you say then … OK… deep breathe… cos you know how I shrivel in anticipation when asking questions … that you are going to appear on the 14th OCT?
And do you know what … I believe you! THERE I”VE SAID IT!! YEEHA! I’m getting there … slowly but surely. I do question why you chose me
though. I’m not exactly one of Gods most intelligent beings. I can’t retain information very well. A mind like a sieve. Then I decided … I KNOW WHAT I KNOW. And I KNOW WHAT LOVE FEELS LIKE. And … the rest?... well, that’s an individuals choice to feed the mind. That’s cool. Yet I find, in order to feed my mind … I must first of all make sure my soul has had breakfast! Phew… I can feel a bit of the Blossom I used
There is little time left now until the ‘BIG AWAKENING’. As excitement builds in all worlds let us remain uplifted. Let us remember why this
is taking place. Let us send out PEACE to your planet and to every living thing that is involved in this CHANGE.
Dear souls, who co join in THIS GREAT DIVINE PLAN, that shall allow freedom of self once again ... We say to you ...
In all humility, and I know I speak for many … THANK YOU!